Autism Journey to Success

Strengths for Future

The conference is being organised by staff and students from Buckinghamshire New University, plus staff from Central and Northwest London NHS Trust, all of whom have an interest in people with autism; this interest is because they are researchers, parents, siblings and professionals. The professionals come from a range of nursing backgrounds, psychology and education too. In addition, we are drawing on a number of other's who are experts in their fields. So we are able to offer an exciting conference and we look forward to seeing you.

I wanted to add my personal thanks for taking part in the Autism Conference Journey to Success 2 Myth Busters. Which was an outstanding success. We went from the last conference just under 200 people to this one which had 300 people booked but counting the numbers ended in excess of 400 people. There were people with autism (sorry if this is the wrong phrase for you), parents and siblings, lecturers, teachers, head teachers, SENCO, nursing students from across the spectrum (mental health, child, adult and learning disability), there were practitioners from health, social care and psychology, there were Clinical Commissioning Group members.

For me one of the highlights was Billie Howard’s session on Myth Busting from the Inside, I was amused, inspired and challenged at the same time, and as one of the many e-Mails I received stated
>  “I was moved by the heartfelt presentations” (not just Billies)
>  “The presentations touched our hearts and panelist spoke from their hearts. Thank a million times everybody.”
> “we have … heard phenomena success stories.”.
> “When the presentations are uploaded I will get my 3 autistic sons to watch.”
> “the different perspectives have been amazing!”
> “Wow... that's quite enlightening in itself.”
>  “That was great I’m going to incorporate more in my life thanks”.
Plus a lot was stated about how well organised it was – so special thanks to Tracy and Alex for taking this over. And to Matthew Rogers for helping with the publicity, we managed to be featured on BBC radio Leicester (Billie and Ruth) and a number of key publications too.
We are already beginning work on the next conference and have sent out the recordings and powerpoints (were available) to the participants along with a certificate of attendance and an evaluation form, which I hope to get some more results from. But meanwhile thank you once again and we deservedly should be proud of this achievement.

If you are interested in helping organise or being involved in the next conference, which will be in April 2022 and a hybrid conference (in person and projected worldwide) please use the contact us button and we will get back to you.
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This conference will probably be a hybrid conference, with face to face sessions based at our High Wycombe Campus and projected for those that cannot come in person. It will be an opportunity to discover more about autism, it draws on research, practice and experience.Read More

  • Date: 05/04/2022 09:45 AM
  • Location To Be Announced
  • More Info: Queen Alexander Road, High Wycombe. HP11 2JZ.


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David Rawcliffe

Organiser of the Conference

In organising the first Autism Journey to Success conference, I especially wanted a mixture of people with autism, their family, teachers, students, academics and researchers. This happened, it was hailed a great success by the management of the University. attracting almost 200 people. Professor Colin Martin confirmed it was the best conference he had been too. One head teacher declared that he simply wanted all of his staff to come along, we intend to repeat this experience. In order to do this, we have booked a whole range of people who will challenge and develop our understanding, so why not book your place today.

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Ruth Howard

Consultant in Autism/Positive Psychology Ph.D. Student

Autistic Development Theory: Asking Different Questions to Form New Perspectives

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Billy Howard


Myth Busting from the Inside

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Professor Colin Martin

Professor in Neo-Natal Mental Health at the University of Hull.

THE ISSUE WITH AUTISM RESEARCH Colin is the editor of the "Comprehensive Guide to Autism" and just under thirty other books, and numerous research articles.

David Rawcliffe



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WORKSHOP A - Flourishing Futures (FF) parenting workshops.

Ruth Howard, Positive Psychology Ph.D. Student

This is the first of two workshops by Ruth Howard.

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WORKSHOP B : Some Strategies from Flourishing Future

Ruth Howard, Positive Psychology Ph.D. Student

This is the second workshop by Ruth Howard.

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WORKSHOP C : Making autism everyone's business: integrating autism friendly practice into mental health settings

Dr Sarah Blainey Principle Clinical Psychologist, Autism Specialist with a User by experience from Central & North West London NHS Trust.

WORKSHOP D : The Controversy of Language

Kevin Acott, Senior Lecturer, Poet, Author, Photographer and Travel writer.

The controversy of language. A debate about the language of autism.

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WORKSHOP E : Supporting the student with autism at University.

Please note this session is not running in person, but if you are interested we will send you a recorded presentation.

WORKSHOP F : Creativity and Autism

Romy Brooks, Positive Psychology Student/Parent

WORKSHOP G : Education and Health Care Plans - Legal Entitlement and Myth buster

Emma Hopkins

WORKSHOP H : Building resilience and working with strengths

Jane Jennison, Education Consultant and Positive Psychology Coach

Strengths and Resilience working

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WORKSHOP I : Family reflections

Anne Followell / Jonathan Devine, Senior Lecturers (Parent / Sibling)

WORKSHOP J : Co-morbid ASD with mental health and inpatient care

Carlin Romley (RNU) Oxford Health NHS Trust.

WORKSHOP K : Irlen and Autism

David Rawcliffe

WORKSHOP L : Autism and Spirituality

Jenny Ellis (Rev) Multi-Faith Chaplaincy, Bucks New University

WORKSHOP M : Dogs for Autism

Promotes positive group and 1:1 Canine Assisted Therapy for vulnerable children and adults, helping to develop: confidence, communication and social interaction skills.

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Workshops image
Group 1 (12:20-12:50) C, E, F, D
Group 2 (12:55-13:25) A, J, ,M, K
Group 3 (14:05-14:35) B, H, K
Group 4 (14:40-15:10) D, G, L, I

You will be asked to book your workshop via e-Mail nearer the date.

  • Queen Alexandra Road, High Wycombe, UK

Will I get a certificate of attendance?

Yes, this will be given to you on attendance and will include a list of main talks and workshops. Plus the length of the day,.

Are the sessions being recorded and if so, can I have a copy?

It is the intention that all of the main sessions and the workshops will be audio recorded. These will be priced at £5 each or £15 for everything recorded and they will be available approximately two weeks after the conference. 

How will the workshops work?

At point of booking, you will be able to indicate which workshops you want to attend and a link for the session will be sent to you. 

How can we be more involved in the future?

e-Mail us and tell us that you are interested and tell us what you want to do. 

Will you keep me informed of any future events like this one?

Yes, but under GDPR regulations this will need to be done with your permission, which is why you will be asked on booking to confirm that we can keep you informed. Then we will keep your e-Mail address on a list and use this to keep you informed.

The other way to keep informed is to keep signed onto this website, enrol onto the twitter page or the facebook page. 


  • Registration will be open until the 14th April, 2021. Upon registration you will be asked to book the workshops you want to attend. Links to main talks and conferences will then be sent to you.

RECORDING OF THE SESSION - Individual sessions

  • The recording will be available for 2 weeks post conference and be available for 9 months.


  • The recording will be available for 2 weeks post conference and be available for 9 months.
Ruth Howard hits Radio Leicester Ruth’s PhD challenges the concept of autism and the limitations to children’s development that the current understanding can lead to. Her Autistic Development Theory suggests that the core difference in autism is processing sensory information.

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Is Asperger's Syndrome the next stage of Evolution? Dr. Tony Attwood

You can also change the title listed above and add new blog articles as well.

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Mental Health and Wellbeing in Education (M.Sc.)

Online programme with modules on : Mental Health across the lifiespan, Cognitive Behaviour Therapy, Leadership and Management, Research, Dissertation

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Masters in Applied Positive Psychology

You can add any service you want or edit the ones that are already listed.

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